Did you know that the Belgian Waffle already originated in the 16th Century? Did you know that Belgians almost never eat a waffle for breakfast, but mostly as a snack or for lunch? Did you know that almost every Belgian family has his own (secret) recipe? Did you know that there is a cookie like waffle that you eat as a cookie? Want to look inside the REAL Belgian waffle and get more then 100 recipes? Come and take a look at the Belgian Waffle Forum!!! Made by a real Belgian, who lived off and on in the United States for about 18 years!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Super Bowl Waffles!!!

With these waffles you can score a lot of points with your super bowl friends! It is a waffle that you can keep for more than a week in an airtight container and you serve them (as cookies) for desert!
You will have about 50 waffles with this recipe:

8 cups of flour
2 cups powdered sugar
2 cups white sugar
5 packages of vanilla sugar (if you can't find these packages, just use a bit of vanilla extract)
3 cups of margarine or butter
15 eggs

1. Melt the butter in a large pot on the stove and dissolve the sugar in it
2. add the flour
3. add the eggs one by one, mix well together until you get a nice dough
4. bake in hot waffle maker
5. let them cool off and serve or put them in container

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